What we’ve learnt (so far)

Today, we are working with around 30 schools and trusts across the country—from Teeside in the North East to Newquay in the South West—and, although it is early days for many partners, new models and signs of deeper integration into communities are starting to emerge.

How we can release the potential of (groups of) schools
Leadership Sam Fitzpatrick Leadership Sam Fitzpatrick

How we can release the potential of (groups of) schools

Over the past decade, school and trust leaders have significantly improved educational outcomes by enhancing curriculum rigour and teacher training. However, to further close the gap between disadvantaged children and their wealthier peers, additional leadership strategies are needed. In this article, James Townsend explores six emerging characteristics of ‘Cradle-to-Career Leadership,’ aimed at fostering long-term success and holistic support for all children.

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